Wednesday 25 March 2009

Four legs good, two legs bad!

Yes, I've been reading Orwell's Animal Farm. Was it only yesterday I was saying I didn't like analogies? A day is a long time in blogging ... perhaps it is only religious analogies I am not fond of, because I loved this political one. I'm ashamed to say I had never read this. It's beautifully written, with clarity and precision, telling the sad tale of a well-intentioned revolution gone wrong after having been hijacked by an ambitious and completely ruthless character. He's the source of the slogan, "All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others". This totalitarian state is quite horrifying, as is the ending where the animals are told that it's now "Four legs good, two legs better". The concluding images are creepy and horrible. This is only 100 pages and well worth reading. I still had time to read Heat and the Sun, so I think I lived up to my eclectic aims!

Day 168; Book 167


  1. Animal Farm is good reading. I should re-read it sometime soon.

  2. loved it too! i just added your blog to mine, if you don't mind. Keep up the one book a day...don't know how you do it...

  3. Yes, I can't believe I had never read it before now!
