The Magician's Nephew by C S Lewis: a prequel to the Narnia stories, and one which I didn't really remember. It fits in nicely when you find out who Digory turns out to be.
The Fight for Barrowby Hill by Jan Dean: a children's book and one which looks as though it was written for a specific age group. It suffers because of this, because surely a book should be written first of all because the author has a great story to tell (cf C S Lewis, above, who does have a great story to tell. Not even his Christian analogies get in the way!)
22 Wholesome Cute Cat Memes to Warm the Hearts of Every Hooman
Hello, cat pawrents and general feline fanatic fans! We all need some sweet
cat wholesomeness in our lives. But not only because you're already a
feline ...
2 hours ago
Book 357! I am PUT TO SHAME! I am planning on renewing my reading adventures soon - a book a day, come and get me! I have lots more free time now, so I am pretty excited about all the great books out there waiting for my mucky paws... Congrats on 357! Wowza.